5 Effective Sales Pitch for Cold Calling

5 Effective Sales Pitch for Cold Calling

Cold calling is a challenging task for any salesman, but having the appropriate tools may make all the difference. The first and most critical tool is a script that has been shown again and again to function.

Fortunately for you, I have 5 cold calling scripts that we use every day at Seamless.AI. By using these strategies, you will be able to easily schedule appointments, allowing you to smash your quota and produce large sums of income for your company.

The Method & Formula to use

Before we begin, I’d want to provide a brief understanding of how these scripts are created, as well as where many SDRs fail in their pitch. RCVSC, which stands for research, compliment, value proposition, social proof, and call to action, is our methodology for developing these scripts.

Do the Due Diligence & Research

Do your homework! You should prepare a dialogue with the customer before making a cold call. The internet provides you with access to any and all information you could possibly need about a single contact or even the firm for which they work. There are several tools available to make this a fast and simple process, so spending the time to select one that works for you is critical.

Compliment the Prospect ASAP

At the initial point of contact, compliment your prospect. Instead of sending a generic email full of keywords with no personalisation, show them that you did your homework on them.

Proposition de Valeur

Demonstrate how you can provide value to your customers’ businesses. “We can assist (your prospect) in obtaining this (outcome) and resolving (their issue).”

As an example, consider the following:

“I’m contacting you because we assist VPs of digital marketing like you in acquiring new B2B clients without raising the cost per acquisition or losing millions of dollars in wasted paid media ad expenditure.”

Historical Demonstrative Evidence

Demonstrate to the prospect that you have done something similar in the past and how you can apply that expertise to their particular requirements. Give them the information, and then tell them how long the implementation will take from beginning to end.

Action Is Needed Point them to it

You are now ready to make your call to action. Only provide them one call to action because if you give them more than one, it’s unlikely that they’ll commit to doing business with you. If they like what they hear, a call to action may be to join up for your free trial, book a demo, or even purchase your product.

Finally, now that you understand how these scripts are created, let’s look at the real scripts that you may use for yourself.

The Grand Slam Cold Calling Script #1

  1. Positive Starter: Hello {first name}, Happy {day of the week}! (replace content in brackets with the prospect’s details and the current day).
  2. Compliment: Everything you’re doing with {product} is fantastic. I’ve been following you and your organization on Linkedin for a while now! I’m a huge fan.
  3. Request Permission: Could I please have 1 minute to explain why I’m calling?
  4. Biggest Persona Pain: Great. Well when I am talking to {persona} in the {industry} industry, they are always struggling with {biggest pain 1} and {biggest pain 2}.
  5. Largest Persona Goal: This is preventing individuals like you from achieving their {biggest desire 1}.
  6. Elevator Pitch: We’ve created a platform that enables {persona}s in the {industry} industry get {biggest desire} without {biggest pain 1} in {the timeframe}
  7. Action Is Needed: And the finest thing is, I just want to demonstrate the potential of this and how it may assist you. Now, I realize I phoned you out of the blue…would it be worth your time to look into this?

This script is excellent since it demonstrates to the prospect that you have done your homework and are informed about their business and sector. Doing so straight away begins to develop rapport with the prospect, making them more willing to listen to what you have to say.

Script for Cold Calling #2: A Quick Question

  1. {first name}! Hey! hello, my name is {your name}, and I’m calling to see if I can assist you with your {biggest desire}.
  2. Sadly, I must resort to the dreaded cold call, but I assure you that my query will be brief.
  3. What steps are you doing now to bring more of {biggest desire 1} and {biggest desire 2} into your life with {ideal_persona}.
  4. The reason I am inquiring is because….. {relevant logo 1} is applying {your_company} to {biggest desire} with {ideal_persona} and seeing a significant improvement in outcomes.
  5. Given that I phoned you out of the blue, one of three things has probably crossed your mind right now:
    1. Let’s have this discussion right now. In a word, that’s great.
    2. I have neither the time nor the desire to investigate this further. It is something I completely understand and admire.
    3. You’re want to learn more, but you know that now isn’t a good moment.

1,2 or 3. Which is it?

This script is excellent since it demonstrates to the prospect that you are not wasting their time and are going right to the point. By putting everything out for the prospect, they are free to determine how the interaction proceeds, which is quite useful when attempting to pique their interest.

Script #3 for Cold Calls: Establishing a Common Link

  1. Hello, {first name} – This is {your name} from {company}. I’m delighted I caught you so quickly. I am a great admirer and have been following you on Linkedin for a while.
  2. I was conversing with {mutual connection}, and they suggested we contact since we both work in the {industry} field.
  3. I assist {persona} in fulfilling their {biggest desire} while minimizing their worst suffering.
  4. This may be useful for you, as suggested by {Mutual connection}.
  5. Now I realize I contacted you out of the blue….. Is there a better time to reconnect for a few minutes and discuss how I can assist you here?

This script is fantastic since it is fast and simple, especially if you have a common link that suggests you to the new prospect.

Pains and Desires Cold Calling Script #4

  1. Hello, {first name}. I am a great admirer of your {company} and your excellent {product}. I’ve been following you on Linkedin for a long now.
  2. I know I phoned you out of nowhere, so I’ll keep this brief.
  3. Are you wanting to {biggest desire} without {biggest pain}?
  4. I have a fantastic plan for you and the team, but I don’t want to waste your time if it isn’t a top priority.
  5. Can I have another 20 seconds to explain you what it is?

This script is wonderful since it promotes their product/service in the first line and allows the prospect to decide whether or not they want to hear more, while not wasting either person’s time if they are not interested.

The 5 Minute Cold Call Script #5: Concise & Effective

  1. {First name} – hello! I think your business {company} and merchandise are fantastic.
  2. If I can get you to your {greatest objective} without your {large suffering}, then let’s talk.
  3. Do you think it’s worth it to spend another 30 seconds right now finding out?

The script’s name describes itself perfectly.

In Conclusion

These sample scripts are all rather similar, yet they all accomplish the same goal. There is no need for too complicated language in cold calling scripts; rather, the emphasis should be placed on conveying a simple yet effective message. Because of this, they are able to achieve their desired results.

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